My Kitchen

If you look at the original layout of our house before the renovation, you can understand why a kitchen renovation turned into an entire ground floor overhaul.  We felt the kitchen was much too small and the overall layout just didn't work for a young family with kids.  A bigger kitchen and a more open layout where we would be able to keep an eye on the children at every angle, would serve our needs much better.

The Beautiful Edible Landscape: Final Steps

The Boston ivy and silver lace vines are slowly making their way up the pergola!
As I wait patiently for my garden to become established in order that I can snap some great photos to round out The Beautiful Edible Landscape series, I realize summer is really moving along quickly!  Although many of the plants will likely take a few seasons to begin to produce, we've been able to harvest a few vegetables, including lettuce and swiss chard, and a variety of herbs.  It's been much more fun accessorizing the garden as one of the final finishing steps as opposed to the physical labour involved in the early construction stages.  However, the most rewarding experience for me has been watching the numerous seeds sprout into tiny seedlings and then seeing them form into beautiful mature plants.